New features, Changes, and more


New features, Changes,
and more

New features, changes, and other updates we have made to S1 EDGE Enterprise AI platform.

Introducing Dyslexic Reading Assist Mode (Beta)

We want S1 EDGE to be the most inclusive enterprise software in the world. Today, we are excited to test Dyslexic Reading Assist Mode, which will help you read S1 EDGE with ease.

When we announced the launch of Kalai, our design system few days back, our intention was already set. We want S1 EDGE to be the most inclusive enterprise software in the world.

Today, we have started testing a new Reading Mode called “Dyslexic Reading Assist Mode”. This mode will help you read S1 EDGE with ease, if you have Dyslexia. We believe this is a step towards making S1 EDGE the most inclusive enterprise software in the world.

This is a beta version, and we will be grateful if you could give it a try and let us know what you think.

· 3 months ago