New features, Changes, and more


New features, Changes,
and more

New features, changes, and other updates we have made to S1 EDGE Enterprise AI platform.

Introducing Kalai Design System

We are excited to announce the launch of our new design system, Kalai. Kalai is our design system that will be used to build all our products.

Kalai (கலை) means art in Tamil. Today, we’re thrilled to announce one of the most light-weight design systems we have ever seen or built. Kalai DS allows us to build our products faster, and stay consistennt across new features, updates, and new products.

Kalai comes with one of the most precise and only-as-needed components designed specifically for S1 EDGE. Kalai’s color system is something we are really proud of, and we hope you will love it as much as we do as you use S1 EDGE.

The best part? Most of the elements you use across S1 EDGE will feel so familiar, that you will not even notice the amount of work we put into making it feel consistent. That’s the reward for this effort.

Kalai is not open sourced yet, but we will evaluate that option in the future. We are also investing in building an accessible theme using Kalai, so that absolutely everyone in your team get the same experience that we all deserve to have.

· 3 months ago