We’ve had a crazy month down at the Skcript HQ! In honour of tackling the crazy and never backing down from challenges, we’re now gifting two of our favourite books, one that gives you the guts to get through the madness and another which is perfect for UI/UXers (it’s also our designers’ favourite book!)
Each of these books light on the mind and insightful. These books will give you the confidence to lead and has just the right amount of information on elements of UX like usability, research, information architecture, UX deliverables and how to plan your UX work.
The books are,
Creative Confidenc: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom & David Kelley - Amazon link
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition) by Steve Krug - Amazon link
All you need to do to win this is:
- Subscribe to our blog Sudo vs. Root by dropping your email address in the form below (if you are reading on a mobile, scroll down until you reach it!)
Follow Skcript on Instagram and/or @SkcriptHQ on Twitter – follow 1 account for 1 entry or follow both accounts for 3 entries – and send us a private message with the email address you submitted for the blog, so that we know that you’ve completed both steps 😃
Comment, Tweet, and mention us how this month has been for you (it must be along the lines of crazy) along with the #MadMarch. You can even tag us on our social accounts with the same hashtag.
We will announce the winner in the first week of April - make sure you follow us until then, you wouldn’t want to lose track! The winner will be announced on one of our social media channels.
Good Luck!
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