GBUX - Make bad user experiences good and good user experiences better

Swetha Suresh
Swetha Suresh, Design Engineer
GBUX - Make bad user experiences good and good user experiences better

GBUX is a new project to create a pool of good and bad user experiences. We will appreciate what is good and leave the bad ones open for enthusiastic designers to make it good. Can we solve it all? Maybe not, but this sure is a step in the right direction. The aim is to make bad user experiences good and the good user experiences better.

This project will be heavily crowdsourced but also moderated, solely because we do not want bad images that do not communicate the experience properly. So, how this will work is

  1. Click an image/video of a good or bad user experience
  2. Submit the image with a small description about why it was good or bad user experience in the google form .
  3. Let us know your preference about being tagged in the post on GBUX’s Instagram and Twitter page.
  4. On receiving this data we will post this on Instagram and/or Twitter and a tag the sender (only if permission is granted by the contributer)
  5. Feel free to pick up a bad user experience posted on GBUX’s instagram page and find a solution to make it better using Design and/or Technology.
  6. Post your solution on Twitter and/or Instagram and tag us @gbuxhq .

You are urged to contribute. You do not get anything return, but you will start conversations among people who can make a difference by making the world have better user experiences. Lets get started!

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