22 design quotes from experts you need to read when you're feeling stuck

22 design quotes from experts you need to read when you're feeling stuck

Design has evolved from how it looks and functions to how it feels when used. Constant inspiration and studying are much needed to keep up the great design. I’ve put together 22 quotes from design experts with deep knowledge to get your creativity flowing. I couldn’t agree more.

“People think that design is styling. Design is not a style. It’s not about giving shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.”

Paola Antonelli

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”

Robert L. Peters

“Design is about making things good (and then better) and right (and fantastic) for the people who use and encounter them.”

Matt Beale

“Bad design is smoke, while good design is a mirror.

Juan-Carlos Fernandez

“Usability is like love. You have to care, you have to listen, and you have to be willing to change. You’ll make mistakes along the way, but that’s where growth and forgiveness come in.”

Jeffrey Zeldman

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

Milton Glaser

“Define what the product will do before you design how the product will do it.”

Alan Cooper

“Consistency is one of the most powerful usability principles: when things always behave the same, users don’t have to worry about what will happen. Instead, they know what will happen based on earlier experience.”

Jakob Nielsen

“UI design is much more than just fitting together the puzzle pieces of a layout. To design an interface is to create a function from form, to create structure while simplifying, and to illuminate while delighting.”

Jerry Cao

“Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it. Think of it as a room’s air conditioning. We only notice it when it’s too hot, too cold, making too much noise, or the unit is dripping on us. Yet, if the air conditioning is perfect, nobody says anything and we focus, instead, on the task at hand.”

Jared Spool

“Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop”

Jeffrey Zeldman

“If you find an element of your interface requires instructions, then you need to redesign it.”

Dan Rubin

“Your primary role should be to share what you know, not to tell people how things should be done.”

Steve Krug

“Don’t stare at a blank page for too long, be bold, and make the first incisive stroke. The rest will come naturally.”

James Kingman

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”

Hans Hofmann

“It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.”

Paula Scher

“I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.”

Lindo Leader

“The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.”

Charles Eames

“Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.”

Wojciech Zieliński

“Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.”

Massimo Vignelli

“Make it simple, but significant.”

Don Drape

“You can have an art experience in front of a Rembrandt… or front of a piece of graphic design.”

Stefan Sagmeister

I guess you have got your thoughts recharged! Get back to doing your awesome work! :) ❤️

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