December @Skcript

Pankaj Harita
Pankaj Harita, Product Manager
December @Skcript

Being in Chennai everybody knows about the special connection to December. December has been a remarkable month of the year for the past three years. With many notable things happening around the city, there have been some notable things happening at our office too.

This month is the best way to end 2017 and at this point, I would like to remind everyone that we have successfully completed one more year without murdering anybody nor killing ourselves 😅

If you have been following Skcript across all our social media platforms, you might already know half the things that I’m about to talk here. But, you might come across some gossip here and there - give it a try and I am sure you won’t regret it.

Let me start off by mentioning the anniversary of our core engineers,

This month began with two of our engineers celebrating their one year work anniversary at Skcript - out of the two, one of them is just a mean narcissist. Their journey at Skcript has been special and the celebration took place at The Hilton. This was in the first week of December, a wonderful start. This was followed by one more member celebrating his anniversary. Inside sources say (and so do I) that this might be the only anniversary he will ever get to celebrate in his life!

The other joyous event was when one of the core Android phone users decided to move to an iPhone. This might not be as exciting to you as it was for the already iPhone users. The result is what we loved, the other (only) two Android users in the office didn’t believe that such a thing could happened. They were in shock for quite some time and kept ranting about how betrayal feels. We are very sure one of them is already considering buying an iPhone which will get the conversion rate to 90% iPhone users 😝

What more is needed to write this article than Skcript celebrating it’s anniversary?

Yes, Skcript turned 4 and is gearing up to step strongly into the fifth year (Brownie points or probably an actual brownie, given 4 is my favorite number) We celebrated the day by having one of most productive first half of the day and then a fun, food filled second half. We picked Amethyst as our destination for celebration and it turned out to be one of the best dinners we’ve ever had. Our day was made with the kids listening to some interesting incidents in the past and how the current team is one of the strongest teams that Skcript has had. We are so proud of ourselves (happy tears)!

I know all of you will start guessing at the mention of a Christmas celebration, instead, we celebrated the birthday of the Santa at Skcript. It is none other than our CEO, Karthik. Now you might understand why December is important to us. Initially, none of us bought in the fact that he was born on 25th of December, but it turns out to be true. Theoretically, he turned a year older, but practically he is still a kid and matches up with the craziness of the rest of the team (he sometimes beats us at it too 🙄 )

The next is notable because it contains all the gossip that you’ve been waiting for 😉

Our football fanboy finally flew (Ooh, that’s a lot of words starting with f 😛 ) all the way to Dubai to watch Real Madrid play. For a person who barely opens his mouth during any of the meetings or discussions, he surprised us by befriending an Mexican on the first day of his arrival! To add to this, he even enlightened the world with pictures of him clicked by strangers. We are so proud of you (more happy tears will ensue)!

He was so sweet that he got us a bag of chocolates (which we finished in less than a day and a few ended up eating the wrappers without realizing the fact that the chocolate was wrapped 😂 )

The other good thing is he came back exactly like how he was when he left, unlike the one who came back losing something that had to be cherished (There’s your gossip. You can ask for more details by pinging him @zealousslytherin - his Insta ID. Revenge taken 😏 )

That’s it for this month, everyone. I couldn’t add the interesting incidents that are yet to happen at Kodaikanal. Yes, except for few everyone else is traveling to Kodai to ring in the New Year. We will entertain you with the events in our Newsletter, next week - follow The Skcript Blog to know more!

Bye bye and have a super-blasting start to the new year!

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