A connection profile will describe the Hyperledger Fabric network to the Hyperledger Fabric Node.js Client (fabric client). It also contains entries that describe the Hyperledger Fabric network including entries that describe the fabric client that will access the network. The connection profile has specific addresses and settings for network items. Configuring a connection profile for a single channel - single chaincode is pretty straightforward but it will be a little tricky the other way round. Let me showcase a scenario which will define the channels and chaincodes with their relationships between them.
The Scenario
There will be two organizations with their respective channels. The scenario will be that the first organization can make use of the second organization’s channel and chaincode but not the vice versa. Let us first start with the first organization’s connection profile.
Before proceeding with this article, make sure that you have a basic understanding of the YAML.
ORG1 Connection Profile
The first organization’s connection profile is where we will be defining the configuration to interact with the second organization’s channel & chaincode.
The above configuration defines the name and the HLF Keystore location which will store the private and public keys.
Channels are the state store of a blockchain network which holds the application data generated during the lifecycle of the system. It’s used to store information like user data, purchase data, order data, invoices and more. We defined the channels in such a way that the first organization’s fabric client will now know the available channels for its organization. In our scenario, the first organization will be able to interact with the second organization’s channel.
The organizations key defines the attributes that are related to its organization. This will stay the same for the second organization with its respective attributes. This defines the Membership Service Provider Identifier
(mspid), the peers with which the client will interact with, the certificate authority
that enrolls the admin and the key that is generated during the cryptogenic key generation
The orderers form the ordering service, i.e., a communication fabric that provides delivery guarantees. The ordering service can be implemented in different ways: ranging from a centralized service (used e.g., in development and testing) to distributed protocols that target different network and node fault models. If you’re using Kafka solo, you will have only one orderer for both the organizations.
A blockchain network is comprised primarily of a set of peer nodes (or, simply, peers). Peers are a fundamental element of the network because they host ledgers and smart contracts. The above peer configuration defines the available peers for the first organization. Since the first organization will interact with the second organization, we’ll define both the peers.
The Certificate Authority (CA) provides a number of certificate services to the users of a blockchain. More specifically, these services relate to the user enrollment, transactions invoked on the blockchain and TLS-secured connections between users or components of the blockchain. Every channel has it’s own CA.
ORG2 Connection Profile
The second organization’s connection profile is pretty straightforward as it is bound to access its own channel.
And that’s all there is to it! If you’re using a different SDK and have a different approach of writing the fabric client, let’s discuss in the comments section below!
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