Design & Interface Standards

Building a Design Team

Here’s how design team is structured at Skcript.

  1. Design reports directly to the CEO: Ensures that design is unadulterated by business needs, and aligns with the company’s strategy.
  2. Design team is super small: Every designer is hand-picked by the CEO and the team is intentionally small. This encourages a strong sense of shared purpose and ensures every designer has a significant impact on our products.
  3. Design is independent: Design team is independent of the product teams. This means that design won’t be an afterthought, but rather a driving force.
  4. Design is and engineering asset: Design team is an engineering asset. It is as important as the engineering team’s work.
  5. Great design is measured: Right from design language to the UI elements, everything is measured and mixed with intuition to build insanely great products.

Using Figma

We use Figma for all our vector design work. Here are some standards we follow:

  1. No two Figma files should have the same purpose.
  2. Each Figma file should be named after the purpose it serves and the sub-brand it belongs to. For example, Skcript - FeatureOS - Web
  3. Each Artboard should be named and organized.
  4. A Figma file cannot have unnamed layers, groups, artboards, etc.
  5. A Figma file cannot have unused layers, groups, artboards, etc.