Everything you need to know about Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0

Karthik Kamalakannan
Karthik Kamalakannan, Founder and CEO
Everything you need to know about Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0

The Linux Foundation has been working to bring the best out of their community’s Hyperledger project which they began a few years ago. One such project, that is very crucial for the community is Hyperledger Sawtooth .

Hyperledger Sawtooth helps enterprises building, deploying and maintaining a distributed ledger.

Sawtooth’s roots are from Intel, which was then moved to the Hyperledger Foundation for further development. The goal here for Sawtooth is to improve stability, security and modularity when you are building a blockchain network for use-cases like Bitcoin for enterprises.

Today, Hyperledger Sawtooth saw one of the biggest releases in its history, which is Hyperledger Sawtooth 1.0.

In this release, there are three major things that you would need to know that has changed:

  • Parallel validating transaction helps in accelerated validation, thus completing the whole process in seconds.
  • Ethereum integration enables solidity developers to write smart contracts.
  • Upgrading consensus protocol or testing with different consensus protocol helps to scale the network security easily.
  • Supports most of your favorite language. Python, Go, Javascript and much more.

Talking about the new release, Brian Behlendorf, the Executive Director of Hyperledger said:

“We’re beyond excited to see not one, but two of Hyperledger’s active projects hit 1.0. This is a huge testament to the strong collaboration of our growing community – I look forward to seeing even more products and services being powered by Hyperledger Sawtooth later this year.”

This is a huge release, considering the fact that the 1.0 update now influences a ton of other open-source projects that are built around Sawtooth. Hyperledger Burrow is one good example of this use-case.

We’re committed to contributing to the community as much as we can. Hyperledger framework is one project we’re excited about this year.

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