Unleash the power of RPA & Analytics with Skcript

Unleash the power of RPA & Analytics with Skcript

New technologies transform how organizations execute and coordinate tasks in a process. One can see a new technology’s impact most visibly in the redesign phase of the Business Process Management lifecycle and, in particular, in specific redesign heuristics.

As we tend to enter the digital transformation era, our industries are coverage that their task forces are operational regarding eightieth of their IT processes manually, lowering their performance and motivation. At a similar time, they estimate that a minimum of five-hundredths of those tasks may be automatic. RPA uses software package and methodologies that are capable of taking advantage of the most recent technologies together with artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice recognition, and linguistic communication process to require automation to future level, extracted from ‘A Study of Robotic Process Automation Among Artificial Intelligence’ in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication.

Robotic process automation is an industrial response to the huge amount of manual work that individuals perform on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to support a broad array of high-volume business processing (Aguirre & Rodriguez, 2017, Lacity & Willcocks, 2016).

RPA implementation is a total package with continuing services 24x7, truthfulness, scalability to any number of robots, time-saving, improved efficiency to alleviate human employees of their repetitive tasks, greater productivity, elimination of all human errors possible, cost-saving, and larger worker satisfaction and retention. It also creates a huge impact on employment, technology acceptance, ethics, customer experience, job design, social integration, and regulatory aspects.

30 to 50 percent of the initial RPA projects fail, not because of the technology, but due to many common mistakes, including underestimation of what happens after automation, not considering RPA as business-led, not having RPA case and postponing, treating RPA as series of automation vs. an end-to-end change program, targeting RPA at wrong processes, applying traditional delivery methodologies, automating too many processes or not optimizing RPA, forgetting IT Infrastructure, and lots more, according to an Ernst & Young Study.

Here comes Skcript’s expertise in materializing a successful RPA implementation with analytics in your organization. An RPA implementation is executed in two phases, with 4-5 sub-phases under each phase. The most important observation to self, its implementation is customized to each sector and company, depending on our evaluation process that measures the RPA journey. There will be a minimum of 30% impact on business efficiency and cost savings, and the rest assured, for the business today is indeed the survival of the fittest!

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