How RPA helps data capture/verification in Dubai

How RPA helps data capture/verification in Dubai

Kiss Goodbye to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as Intelligent Data Capture (IDC) Technology with smart data capture is at your disposal, powered with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in this ‘Big Data’ era where massive, fast, and diverse data moves quickly everywhere! Processing this data with special attributes through traditional software systems is a real problem with data, process, and management challenges in today’s tech-driven world.

In the data capture and verification processes, while OCR deals with image pre-processing and character identification in scanning huge physical documents, IDC also deals with the general field of information collection within hidden meaningful snippets with volumes of data in finance, legal, insurance, and auditing industries, and analytics.

The transformation from the paper-dependent government to online paperless e-government is indeed revolutionary and swift in the emirate of Dubai whose strongest development drivers currently are tourism and international trade sectors with centrally planned free-market capitalism.

With the government of Dubai heads-on to create Smart Dubai, the happiest city in the world, it comes not without leveraging emerging technologies such as BlockChain, Artificial Intelligence, and harnessing Data Science capabilities, for recreating everyday experiences by making it more personalized, seamless, efficient, and impactful. There is a rapid transformation in various economic sectors. There are UAE Pass, Dubai Careers App, Dubainow App, Smart Employee App, Happiness Meter, and other smart city initiatives, which involve a huge volume of data.

The data capture and verification processes are imposed with multiple challenges including:


With booming international export and import trade, RPA can help in sorting the documents based on the varied languages with high-quality script recognition.


Each invoice requires specific data with suppliers and buyers info, pricing, and other denominations. RPA can export documents to various formats with data field conversion options for units, for example, gross weight to net weight.

Data Management

The Internal database is compiled from multiple sources and most times contains scattered information. There is also a strong need for scanning huge volumes of data with impenetrable dense documents of varying sizes and handwritten documents. RPA has the potential to separate and classify the documents based on their type and resolve image quality and content issues.

Personal data security and privacy issues

A reliable, secure, human-like, and private data is important for imparting a positive customer experience. RPA can also unify investment advice globally and increase regulatory compliance.

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