#AskSkcript: What is Hyperledger Iroha? Explained in simple terms.

Varun Raj
Varun Raj, Co-founder and CTO
#AskSkcript: What is Hyperledger Iroha? Explained in simple terms.

#AskSkcript is an advice column for people to understand complex technology in a simple way from us. We try to keep the answer as simple as possible.

Q: In simple terms, what is Hyperledger Iroha?

A: Hyperledger Iroha is a very simple and easy way to incorporate into infrastructural projects required to build a distributed ledger technology.

Hyperledger Iroha is a complement to projects like Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth Lake. Iroha allows for us to use reusable components to build your blockchain based project.

Should you have more queries, you can talk about Hyperledger Iroha in the Blockchain Forum or read more here .

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