We are becoming one of the best GenAI Implementation Partners for enterprises across the globe, and everyday, we realize the work we do for our clients, and the impact it has on the world.
Recently, I sat down with my team, AI experts, and mentors to build a manifesto for our AI practice at Skcript.
Skcript’s AI Manifesto
1. Solve a business problem
Never implement AI for the sake of implementing it. Technology is a tool that should never be forced onto a business. AI is a tool that should be used to solve a business problem. If you don’t have a business problem that can be solved with AI, don’t implement it.
2. Default to Privacy
Privacy cannot be taken for granted. Even if a client does not ask for it, protecting the privacy of the business data is default P0 for us. We will never compromise on the privacy of the data we work with.
Such strong defaults is why we are trusted by some of the largest enterprises in the world as their GenAI implementation partners.
3. High to very high standards
Just like everyone at Skcript is expected to perform at their highest standard, we expect the same from our AI practice. We will never compromise on the quality of the work we do, and the impact it has on our clients.
4. Only what is needed
Never overprovision AI. Spend only what’s required, and optimize for the best possible outcome. Our clients pay us to implement GenAI for their business. Ever dollar spent on AI should be justified with a business outcome.
5. Switch when needed
We will never be married to one technology. Today, if one LLM works for a client, and tomorrow, if another LLM works better, we will switch to the better LLM. We will never be married to one technology, and we will always be open to switch to a better technology.
These are the 5 principles that we follow at Skcript when we implement GenAI for our clients. We are incredibly proud of the work we do, and the impact it has on the world.
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