Power Pivots

Karthik Kamalakannan
Karthik Kamalakannan, Founder and CEO

Organizations today are at an inflection point. Leaders of the companies want to venture into new technologies and stay ahead of the curve to grow, and the traditional thinking and development process is not working.

Almost all the C-level executives are making themselves equipped to tackle the fast-changing disruption in their corresponding industry. But only very few succeed in doing that. No matter the size of the company, there is always a way to pivot your core business in increments.

There is a small difference between the C-level executives who succeed in pivoting their business and the ones who struggle to do so. The difference is that they plan their actions in advance.

For the past six years, we have helped organizations venture into new technologies before their competitors could lead the industry. We’ve helped companies grow exponentially with technologies like blockchain, AI and RPA. We wanted to get the massive-disruption framework to more companies. What if, we help companies grow exponentially, by helping them stay ahead of the curve.

Power Pivot enables companies to be the safe-place for disruptive innovation. Power Pivot is a framework that we help companies take advantage of, to enable small-incremental disruption to your core business over a prolonged period of time, before the industry disruption happens.

The power of what-ifs

“What if” is one of the most powerful phrases in history. It is this phrase that triggered unprecedented disruption across industries, and continues to do the same even today. Now, our “What if” was this:

What if we expanded the framework we used to help companies disrupt their industry. What if, there is a framework that allows people to think through about their future. What if, C-level executives made data-driven, calculated decisions with our framework?

This called us to implement what we call the Power Pivots.

How does Power Pivot work?

Pivots are three-day closed-door workshops with key stakeholders in the company which enables them work on ways to create disruption in the industry. Depending on the size and type of the company, this could vary, but typically, here’s what comes out after the three-day Power Pivot.

  1. Strategy Document & Operating Model
  2. List of changes to be made (Internal & External)
  3. Power Metrics to hold stakeholders accountable
  4. Power Behaviors - what behavioral changes must be made to make sure your new strategy works
  5. What, Why and How Strategy documents

What happens post Power Pivots

Clarity in areas of business that will help your businesses sustain is the focus of the Power Pivots. As you run multiple Power Pivots in your company, here’s what changes in your company:

  1. Focus: Power Pivot brings your focus to where it matters to transform your core-business in increments.
  2. A repeatable business model: A good repeatable business-model is what sets the company up for the long-haul.
  3. Clear roles & responsibilities

One of the most common things about developing and iterating business strategies is the investment you bring in to build a pilot. The good thing is, the first pilot works like charm. But the second pilot, that is supposed to scale does not work and it almost usually fails. This is because, companies tend to miss out in taking the learnings that they had while building the first pilot, using them to build the second pilot that would work at scale.

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