7 things we've learned in 10 years of Skcript

Karthik Kamalakannan
Karthik Kamalakannan, Founder and CEO

Skcript started 10 years ago with a very clear set of goals. From day one, we were run by ideas, and great ideas always won over everything else. Being run by great ideas comes with a whole different way of thinking about running a company, and above all, we had to be very clear about what we will stand for, and what we won’t.

We were never conventional, and here’s a quick note that I wrote while I was on a long drive to meet my co-founder in 2013. Looking back, everything I had written down still runs at the core of what we do at Skcript.

Skcript's 10th Anniversary

All these years, I have worked with so many amazing people, and learned from them every day. Everyone who has worked at Skcript never stood still. They were all welcoming to change, and always wanted to do something new.

The following are the 7 important lessons I have learned from running Skcript to be a platform of creative growth for so many people over the last decade.

  1. Start where others stop
  2. If you find something good, make it great
  3. Never settle for what the world tells you
  4. Always be curious
  5. Persistence
  6. Great things take time and consistency
  7. Be grateful

I hope some of these learnings will help you build a great company for amazing people. I also believe you are smart enough to understand what each of these means, and how you can apply them to your life.

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